CHAPTER 1 The Early Years
CHAPTER 2 A Cobra for a Pet
CHAPTER 3 A Man of Miracles
CHAPTER 4 A Tragic Death
CHAPTER 5 Sweet Memories
CHAPTER 6 Simple Truths
CHAPTER 7 And Then There Was One
CHAPTER 8 His Light Still Shines
Vincent J. Daczynski
Chapter 5 (cont.)
Sweet Memories
Sri Tat Wale Baba, about age 80, answers questions.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi interjected,"The thing is very important which he says now!"
That which is omnipresent doesn't have to be sought. It's there already. Start to be. That which is omnipresent is
not to be sought; only our awareness has to be brought to that level and that bliss is there. You don't have to seek
it. Understand? Unless we get into that omnipresent bliss, satisfaction is not going to come. If it were to
come, it would have come by now through so many avenues in the world. But, it has not. Therefore, that which
is the Self is your own being.You don't have to look in the outside. And, it is irrespective of any religious faiths
or beliefs; Christians or Mormons or Hindus. That being is the knowledge itself. Only, you have to know.
All these various manifestations of happiness that we experience in the world, they also are the manifestations
of the same eternal being which is our own Self. If we are aware of the Self, if we know it, fine. Otherwise, we
have to be. And, therefore, it is necessary to bring our awareness deep within ourselves. As deeply as we can
bring our awareness to the Self, so intensely we can inherit that which is omnipresent in our day to day life.
Having known that Self we will be eternally contented; remaining in the world we will live contentment. And,
it's not a matter of detaching ourselves from the world. Only, we have to know It, and having known It, then, all
different manifestations in the world will be experienced as manifestations of That. We don't have to detach ourselves. It is just a matter of bringing the awareness to that area, and be, and live It.
Having gained this beautiful, perfect human nervous system, if we have known that element of the Self, then
we have really used this wonderful diamond-like gift, this diamond-like nervous system which is capable of
giving that eternal bliss. If it is not experienced, then we have wasted that gift of diamond. We have taken upon
ourselves this human nervous system, not for the sake of petty enjoyment of changing nature in this relative field
of change, but to live and be that infinite bliss. And, we will have to attain that thing whether we attain it in this
life, or in the next, or in the next. We just can't forego that. Therefore, with the assistance of the guru and the scriptures, better to attain it quickly. Why postpone?
Tat Wale Baba's talk was followed by an opportunity for questions to be asked.