Yoga Guru Sri Tat Wale Baba, last known photo.





Vincent J. Daczynski

Chapter 8 (cont.)

His Light Still Shines

Every Dec 2nd, visitors gather to pay respect to Sri Tat Wale Baba.
Every December 2, hundreds of people gather at the ashram in memory of
Tat Wale Baba. Mahamandaleshwar Swami Hari Swaroopji is center foreground.
Swami Shankardasji is to his left.

"Hundreds of people come here every year," explained Swami Shankardasji as he continued the tour. "They come from all over India on December 2nd in remembrance of Tat Wale Baba. Some foreigners also come."

We made our way to the flat concrete roof of the ashram cabin and watched as the sun nestled softly behind the Himalayan foothills. Swami Shankardasji invited me to stay awhile longer, but it was getting late - I still had to get back to Rishikesh, across the Ganges, to make preparations for my early morning bus departure to Delhi. I thanked Swami for his time and hospitality. My visit to the Tat Wale Baba ashram was a very personal, moving experience. My encounter with Tat Wale Baba twenty years (now 35 years) earlier sparked a love in my heart for him that to this day has not dwindled.

"Sometime when you have more time, when you come back, I will tell you more. There are many stories I can tell you," Swami said. "Also, by then, I should have a cave ready which you may use."

As I was leaving, my heart flowed to Swami Shankardasji. I felt as if I had gained a good friend. I pressed my palms together, fingers pointing upward, in front of my chest in the traditional Indian style. He returned the gesture. Then, smiling, in a show of affection, he extended his hand and gave me a hearty western style handshake.

I left with my heart fulfilled. On my journey back home, I thought of those days when I had met Sri Tat Wale Baba and the time I spent in training with His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to become a teacher of Transcendental Meditation to help bring the heretofore secret teaching of the Vedas to the Western world. Fortunately today, the knowledge of the Vedas no longer needs to be sought only in the context of a reclusive life in the Himalayas. The knowledge is now also readily available for all people throughout the world. What a great blessing for the world!

Note: Swami Shankardasji asks that if anyone has a voice recording of Tat Wale Baba to kindly mail him a copy:

Swami Shankardasji
Sri Tat Wale Baba Ashram
Bhut Nath Gufa
Post Swargashram
Rishikesh 249302 (U.P.)